Join the campaign for

a turning point for cancer

Action on cancer is urgent.

We’re seeing cases increase, patients facing unacceptable waits and a funding gap for life-saving research. It's time to act.

This general election, thousands of us united to call on all political parties to commit to the action needed for people affected by cancer. They have listened. But we’re not done yet. 

The new UK Government now must act to improve cancer outcomes, close the research funding gap and make their commitments to end the waits, drive earlier diagnoses and end cancers caused by smoking a priority.  

But the scale of the challenges facing cancer goes beyond individual policies. We need a dedicated, long-term strategy for cancer covering all elements of the cancer journey – including research, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.    

It’s time for a turning point for cancer. Add your name if you agree. 

We're urging the new UK Government to:

Back research: Set out a plan to close the more than £1bn funding gap for research into cancer over the next decade.

End cancers caused by smoking: Raise the age of sale of tobacco and fund a world leading programme of measures to help people who smoke to quit.

Drive earlier diagnoses: Implement proven measures, including a lung screening programme, to diagnose cancers early and reduce inequalities in access.

End the waits: Ensure cancer wait time targets are met across England.

Lead on cancer: Publish a long-term cancer strategy for England and Establish a National Cancer Council, accountable to the Prime Minister, to drive cross-government action on cancer.

As health is a devolved matter not all of our policy calls for the general election include the devolved nations, so we’ll also be working ahead of future devolved elections to inform political parties in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Our call for the UK Government to back research is UK wide, and would impact the devolved nations. Additionally, we’re currently campaigning for all the devolved nations to end cancers caused by smoking by raising the age of sale of tobacco.

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Together we are beating cancer

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