10 Year Health Plan
Consultation guide
The UK Government has announced the development of a 10 Year Health Plan for England, to build an NHS fit for the future. As a part of the development of the plan, the government has launched a public consultation, to get the public’s experiences and views.
This is a vital opportunity to ensure that cancer is right at the heart of the government’s plans to improve the NHS, as the responses to the public consultation will help to determine what goes into the health plan.
The consultation is a once in a decade chance to shape the future of cancer care, and the NHS as a whole.
We want to make sure that the experiences of people affected by cancer shape the 10 Year Health Plan, so we’ve put together some guidance to help you participate in the consultation.
Accessing the consultation
Click here to go to the consultation, keep this page open in another tab for help.
You will need to register with your first name, last name, email and set a password. Once you have signed up you will need to go into your email to confirm your account.
The questions in the consultation are all optional, so you can choose which questions you wish to respond to. Depending on how long you have, and which questions you respond to, the consultation should take between 5 and 30 minutes to fill out. We have some suggestions for which sections to focus on depending how much time you have:
If you have 30 minutes- fill out all the sections with a particular focus on the sections on ‘the 3 Shifts’.
If you have 15 minutes- fill out the sections ‘Best things about the NHS’, ‘Challenges facing the NHS’, ‘The Darzi report’ and ‘Satisfaction with the NHS’.
If you have 5 minutes- focus on just two sections: ‘The Darzi report’ and ‘Satisfaction with the NHS’.
While we have provided some guidance, the most important thing is that you respond in your own words about your or your loved one’s experiences with cancer, and wider healthcare services.